Our Partnership With Parents
We actively welcome, engage and want parents to be involved as much as possible in their child's nursery journey. We set up ‘All about me meetings’ prior to a child starting with us so we are able to ensure we have a holistic view of the child, their care and learning, and family, to help us best accommodate their needs.
Parents play a key role in our planning methods and are asked to share with us, on a regular basis, their child’s interests, needs and significant experiences to help support our care and learning provision.
Parents also have access to our parent app where practitioners provide daily updates on their child’s eating, toileting and daily needs. Parents can access this at the touch of a button and also gives parents the opportunity to comment and add in their own observations and pictures from home. Practitioners also send out home tasks throughout the year to encourage parents to get involved in all the activities and celebrations we look forward to and enjoy at nursery.
Our termly parents’ evenings help parents understand how their child is achieving and how we are supporting their individual learning through differentiated play activities. Here we can also talk about how to close any gaps in learning and what parents can do to mirror what is happening at the nursery. We also offer a variety of stay-and-play sessions throughout the year to help parents be involved and see with their children what we get up to at nursery on a day-to-day basis.
ay basis.

Keeping Your Little Ones Safe
At Conkers, we take safety and security very seriously.
All staff are DBS checked and are on the regular update service.
We have cameras fitted in the communal areas of the nursery such as outside the entrance and in the corridors that ensure both staff and children’s safety. Our Nursery Manager can readily check the CCTV footage.
Entry to Little Steps is via a secure front door which is answered by a member of staff, via an intercom system.